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Are you planning to hike Mount Elgon? Would you like to visit the park or you are looking for advice on how to plan a perfect hike in the region? Here are some of the tour operators offering organised safaris to Mount Elgon.

Safaris Uganda by Experience Africa
Entebbe Road, Kampala
Tel: +256 702 113125
Email: info@safarisuganda.com
Website: www.safarisuganda.com

Active African Vacations
A: Entebbe Road After Kenjoy Super market
Najja Shopping Center Room L3B
T: +256-774-819-223
F: +15-708-071-273 (USA)
E: info@vacation-safaris.com
Website: www.vacation-safaris.com

African Jungle Adventures
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 772 561508
Email: info@junglesafarisuganda.com
Website: www.junglesafarisuganda.com

Africa Tours Adventure
Uganda Office: Block 203,
Plot 8593 Busaato Road,
Masanafu Off Northern ByPass
Tel: +256 750 953 684
P.O.Box 24184 Kampala
Office: +256 782 186 562
E-mail: info@africatoursadventure.com
Website: www.africatoursadventure.com

Best of Africa Adventures
Masanafu Off Northern ByPass
Tel: +256 750 953 684
Email: info@bestugandasafaris.com
Website: www.bestugandasafaris.com

Explore Uganda Tours
Block 203, Plot 8593 Busaato Road,
Masanafu Off Northern ByPass
Tel: +256 750 953 684
Email info@exploreugandatours.com
Website: www.exploreugandatours.com

Go African Safaris
Tel: +256 414 270540
Email: info@goafricansafaris.com
Website: www.goafricansafaris.com

Uganda Safari Packages
Najja House, Kampala.
Tel: +256 772 552 950
Email: info@ugandasafaripackages.com
Website: www.ugandasafaripackages.com

Visit Uganda Safaris
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 789 292 222
Email: reservations@visitugandasafaris.com
Website: www.visitugandasafaris.com

Primate Safari Experiences
Namasuba, Entebbe Road , Kikajjo Road, Wakiso Uganda.
+256 392 159 498
+9 19544 666 665
Email: info@primatesafaris.com
Website: www.primatesafaris.com

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